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Author: Morgan Rita Wojcik

header image with title in white "a sign that you make other people feel safe" , featuring three people of different ethnicities having a discussion in front of what appears to be wooden lockers

A Sign That You Make Other People Feel Safe

I was having a conversation with one of my closest friends today when I said, “Thanks for trusting me with how you’re feeling… I take that trust as a huge compliment.” and she said “I haven’t thought of it like that before.” People will share

Header image with the title which reads "How Making Decisions can Lighten the Load for others" and features a row of doors in an empty room, all the doors are white except the third from the left, which is yellow.

How Making Decisions Can Lighten the Load for Others

How can making decisions lighten the mental load for others? In our busy lives, we make lots of choices every day, both big and small. Whether it’s planning dinner with friends or deciding what task or project to do next, every single choice we make

decorative header image of a vintage white dressor or chest with a pink floral painting sitting atop it. The title reads "why it's worth asking for help even if you could do it on your own"

Why It’s Worth Asking For Help

Is it worth asking for help when you could do it on your own? Here’s a short story from when I was younger to answer this question. “I can move this.” a kid version of me thought.  At this time, the dresser in my bedroom

decorative header image featuring a group of graduates wearing their black graduation caps facing away from the camera. The title reads "why you don't actually want to do everything right"

Why You Don’t Actually Want to Do Everything Right

If you consider yourself a high achiever, you probably care a lot about doing a good job… at everything.  You like to set standards for yourself, and you try to do things “well” or “right”.  It’s an honorable goal, to do things as best as

a decorative header image of a mac laptop sitting in a dark room with a white screen, appearing empty. The title reads "how to recover from a big mistake"

How to Recover from a Big Mistake

A few weeks ago, I accidentally deleted my entire business website off the internet. All the pages, all 70 something blog posts… All of it was gone and seemed to be unrecoverable. When I tried to look up my own website from the frontend, this

decorative header image for a post titled "how perfectionism contributes to feelings of worthlessness" the image features water with a single droplet creating waves

How Perfectionism Contributes to Feelings of Worthlessness

When you hear people refer to themselves as perfectionists, they are usually suggesting that they care a lot about doing their best. They’re people who care about giving a valiant effort, and producing work that they can feel proud of.   When people self-identify as perfectionists,

My Workshops in the Chippewa Correctional Facility

As Bryan Stevenson says, “Each of us is more than the worst thing we’ve ever done.” With this strongly held belief in mind, I traveled to the Upper Peninsula to deliver workshops to 60 incarcerated lifers in the Chippewa Correctional Facility this past weekend. As

Unnecessary Shame and Punching Trees

There’s a common misunderstanding that can create a lot of unnecessary shame when we’re struggling: Read on to avoid making this mistake Sometimes when we’re struggling, we interpret the struggle as a sign that there is something wrong with us. We think, “If I can’t

Before You Make a 5 Year Plan, Read This

Warning: If you decide you want to make a 3 or 5 year plan, there’s something you should know. A plan is NOT a code of conduct.  It’s not a law. It’s not a spell cast over you that you are therefore “bound to follow

decorative header image that reads "Being Called Resilient vs being resilient" in the background is a picture of a woman sitting at a patio table with a man who is a little person, holding an orange cat, the two people are talking to one another.

Being “Called Resilient” vs “Being Resilient”

I’ve seen this quote about resilience being posted and reposted a lot lately:  “I dream of never being called resilient again in my life.  I’m exhausted by strength. I want support. I want softness. I want ease. I want to be amongst kin. Not patted

decorative header image that reads "beware of the success passport" with a background image of a colorful world map and a U.S. passport laying on top of it.

Beware of The Success Passport

If you want to have an amazing life, you also want to make sure the goals you’re setting aren’t just stamps on a success passport.  Success and fulfillment are very different things, but they often get conflated.  If the only goals we set for ourselves

Header image that reads "Joking about being old can affect the way you subconsciously view yourself. You may be getting older, but that doesn't make you old, and being old isn't a bad thing, it's a privilege. Please be young, and enjoy it. And please get old, and enjoy that too."

For the 20 Something Who Says “I Feel Old”

When I hear 20-somethings joking about “being old”, I wonder, What are we subconsciously implying? And how does this affect the way we view our lives? Perhaps that there are fewer opportunities to have fun?  Or that there is less time to do and figure

header image for blog post titled "Understanding Coaching: The Hunch", the title appears over a decorative seascape background of the horizon with blue water and waves coming towards the sandy shoreline.

Understanding Coaching: The Hunch

If you’ve ever worked with a coach, you might’ve heard the notorious phrase, “I have a hunch, may I share it with you?” or perhaps a variation of it. This is one way a coach shares something they are observing, and it is usually followed

Header Image for Self Love Atlas blog post titled "Run Your Race at Your Pace" It features the title in white letters on a pink box with a background photo featuring Morgan and her Partner Bradley crossing the finish line at the Joe Manfreda Dream Dash 5k in Roseville Michigan. The finish line has an inflatable awning with rainbow tie dye and orange cones lining the race course. Morgan and Bradley both have their hands up in celebration of finishing the race.

Run Your Race at Your Pace

Earlier this month, I did a 5k race called “The Dream Dash” in memory of my friend, Joe Manfreda, who died unexpectedly when we were juniors in high school. It was the first one I’ve run in a few years due to my own health