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decorative header image of a vintage white dressor or chest with a pink floral painting sitting atop it. The title reads "why it's worth asking for help even if you could do it on your own"

Why It’s Worth Asking For Help

Is it worth asking for help when you could do it on your own? Here’s a short story from when I was younger to answer this question. “I can move this.” a kid version of me thought.  At this time, the dresser in my bedroom

Header image for post titled How to Start Projects in Joy, the image features the title on a maroon box with a decorative background picture of a large quantity of unpainted pottery

How to Start Projects in JOY

Are you wanting to finally start a project you’ve been putting off? Whether it be decluttering a space, creating something, or checking an intimidating task off our to-do list, there’s probably a part of us that would LOVE to avoid starting that project to the

header image for blog post titles how to be the driver of your own thoughts, it features a wooden background with some polaroid pictures featuring an old light blue car, the foreground is the title of the blog post printed on a pink pastel colored rectangle graphic.

3 Ways to Become The Driver of Your Thoughts

While we may rarely be in total control of our thoughts and emotions, there are some steps we can take to help set the course of our consciousness, to gain some semblance of control, and become the driver of our own thoughts.  In this week’s

How to reframe basic chores as self-care. Stop procrastinating on your chores with this simple mindset trick.

How to Reframe Basic Chores as Self-Care

Did you know that a simple mindset shift can help doing chores feel better to you?  Keep reading to learn how. I recently visited a friend who was having a hard time emotionally. We spent some quality time together, and after a good heart-to-heart conversation,

how electricity and tech changed human work life balance

How Electricity and Tech Changed Human Work-Life Balance

After a recent conversation with a history buff, I realized that there’s a lot about the average human being’s work-life balance that is relatively new to humanity. Human lives used to have natural personal and professional boundaries set by the limitations of our technology. Before

8 Tips for Surviving an Overbooked Schedule

In 2018, I stood in a tiny room with blue expo markings stretching wall to wall on a white board. The words were a long list of my involvements, jobs, and classes: a complete map of my overbooked schedule. All I really wanted was to

prompts to help start new habits with confidence and clarity

Start A New Habit with Me!

In the last 24 hours, I’ve tried to read a book on three separate occasions. Each time, I flipped to my bookmark that hasn’t moved in weeks, read one paragraph, and somehow, the next thing I remember is waking up from an unplanned nap. “Hm.”

it's time to get comfortable with saying no. setting personal boundaries is important to gain control over your time and energy so other people don't step on you or take advantage of you.

Getting Comfortable with Saying No

Have you ever felt guilty for saying no?  Or uncomfortable saying yes? Have you found yourself trying to please others at the cost of your own well-being? If you said yes to any of these, then you might benefit from getting comfortable with saying “no”.

real rest in limited time, here are 3 lies people tell themselves about rest and 12 ways to get rest without sleeping

Real Rest in Limited Time

Why does it seem like a day off is never enough to make us feel rested? In this post, I’ll answer that question and explain 3 lies busy people tell themselves about rest that prevent them from actually getting it. I’ll also provide 11 suggestions

Money Doesn’t Love You Back

Having a relationship with money is nothing like having a relationship with a real person. But if left unchecked, a relationship with money can start to negatively impact the other relationships in our lives (without us even realizing it!). In this post, we’ll discuss a

40 Healthy Alternatives to Time-Wasting Habits

40 Healthy Alternatives to Time-Wasting Habits

One of the quickest and simplest ways to show yourself some love is to replace habits that don’t serve you with ones that do. In this post, you’ll learn how to locate time-wasting habits, and find a list of 40 things you can replace them

Self-Care Made Simple

Although self-care is becoming far more popular in recent years, there’s still some negative stigma associated with doing things for ourselves. This is a huge problem, because if we can’t view caring for ourselves in a positive light, chances are we will fail to maintain

dressing rod with clothes

Dress For The Person You Want to Be

Ever since our routines were disrupted by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, I’ve heard numerous references to people “working in pajamas” or “not wearing pants” to video calls. While I am happy that many people have had the chance to remain “comfortable” in some ways (however

pause and reset routine, a phone wallpaper

The Importance of “Blip Days”

Before I get into an in-depth explanation of what blip days are, imagine this: You’ve recently decided to start a new routine or habit. On day one, you tell yourself, “From here on out, I will do this every single day, and in (insert amount

woman taking time for self care, reading a book and enjoying a bubble bath.

The First Step to Sustainable Self-Care

When people hear the word “self-care,” many imagine bubble baths, a glass of wine, a day of rest, or a good massage. While a bubble bath may be a helpful reset every once in a while, it is likely only a temporary fix to an

adult beautiful blur casual

Ask These 8 Questions to Start Living More Intentionally

Did you know that human beings have 50,000-70,000 thoughts a day? I didn’t know this until recently. When I learned this, I thought it was such a ridiculously high number that nobody could possibly be aware of every single thought that passes through their brains.