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hope for 2021

A Dose of Hope for 2021

Today I’m feeling very weird about the new year approaching. Normally, the new year is a time for resetting, reflection, and celebration with friends. Normally, it feels like a beginning and an end at the same time. But this year, it feels like more of

do more and stress less using this mindset trick

One Simple Mindset Trick to Do More and Stress Less

We say “I need to…” when something has been assigned at work or school. We say “I need to…” when we have chores that are overdo. And we say “I need to…” when we’re avoiding the next thing on our to-do list. Usually when we use

loss in the 2020 pandemic, how to heal

Healing From Loss in 2020

TW: Mention of death during the Coronavirus pandemic The longer this pandemic lasts, the more our lives are affected. Graduations, weddings, family gatherings, new experiences; so much of it has been cancelled, rescheduled and changed that almost nothing in 2020 is what we expected. This

how to easily form new habits

How to Easily Form New Habits

One of the reasons many people don’t stick with the new habits is because they love the idea of the results that they’ll achieve, but they don’t love the idea of actually doing it. Unfortunately, the actions necessary to create life changing habits hardly ever

10 benefits of being wrong

10 Benefits of Being Wrong

Last week, I wrote about why there’s nothing wrong with being wrong. In the post, I said, “If we could somehow accept wrongness as a natural and integral part of our human experience, then perhaps we could be less hard on ourselves and allow our

there's nothing wrong with being wrong

There’s Nothing Wrong With Being Wrong

The most recent time I realized I was wrong, I was playing UNO with my family. I was down to the coveted single card, and had succeeded in saying “UNO” before anyone called me out on it. When my next turn came, I was so

when someone fails to meet your expectations, two guys talking with eachother

When Someone Fails to Meet Your Expectations

At times, the people in your life will fail to meet your expectations. Maybe they’ll show up late to a date, maybe they won’t wash their dishes, or maybe they won’t say thank you after you gave them a gift. When our expectations aren’t met,

dressing rod with clothes

Dress For The Person You Want to Be

Ever since our routines were disrupted by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, I’ve heard numerous references to people “working in pajamas” or “not wearing pants” to video calls. While I am happy that many people have had the chance to remain “comfortable” in some ways (however

pause and reset routine, a phone wallpaper

The Importance of “Blip Days”

Before I get into an in-depth explanation of what blip days are, imagine this: You’ve recently decided to start a new routine or habit. On day one, you tell yourself, “From here on out, I will do this every single day, and in (insert amount

Urgency is Incompatible with Peace

Feelings of peace are technically available to you right now, but there is something getting in your way: urgency.  It is perfectly normal to feel a sense of urgency when we have numerous responsibilities, approaching deadlines, or problems to solve. But as soon as these

ladders leading up to clouds

How to Stop Feeling “Behind”

So many of us feel like we’re behind in our lives. We glance around and see numerous examples of people achieving the things we want to achieve. Maybe we’re comparing ourselves to someone who has more financial stability than us. Maybe they have a skill

15 things you can give to spread love

15 Things You Can Give to Spread Love

All human beings share a basic and common desire: the desire to be loved. Luckily for us, there are plenty of things we can give over and over again to help fulfill this desire for others (without ever running out!).  Because we have the capacity

row of barriers on empty track

How to Quiet Your Fear of Failure

Most people experience fear of failure in their lifetimes. It’s totally normal and understandable, but it’s also potentially harmful. As far as I’ve observed, a fear of failure seems to be the biggest factor that stops people from creating a life they love.  If we

cover photo for blog post titled "what you need to know about self love." a photo of a notebook with pink flowers laid over it and the title centered over it in white text.

What You Need to Know About Self-Love

Self-love is one of the most important tools you will ever use in your search for fulfillment in life. And yet, the concept of self-love seems to be unfamiliar to most people. Self-love isn’t about selfishness, self-obsession, cockiness, self-importance, or some sort of superiority complex.

two sides of the brain

You Have a Thinking Brain and Feeling Brain

Whenever I found myself frustrated or anxious as a child, my dad would ask, “Are you using your Thinking Brain or your Feeling Brain?”  This was his way of encouraging me to pause and acknowledge my thoughts and feelings and process whatever was going on

person sitting outdoors

Feeling Lost is Followed by Empowerment

If you’ve experienced any form of significant personal growth in your life, chances are you’ve felt “lost” before. And while I’m sorry you’ve experienced such negative emotions, I’m really happy you endured and overcame that feeling. Because without it, you wouldn’t be where you are

woman wearing brown overalls near brown tree

How to Add True Joy to Your Life

I was having a conversation with my partner (Bradley) about the importance of being “present in the moment”, when I realized being “present” is something I fundamentally struggle with. As an over-involved and overcommitted extrovert, I’ve spent years constantly thinking about the next thing on

close friends high fiving each other

Choose Your Friends, Change Your Life

I’ve been told “surround yourself with good people” more times than I can count, but doing this is easier said than done. While most of us know that choosing good people to keep close in our lives is beneficial, many of us don’t truly understand

man wearing black and white stripe shirt looking at white printer papers on the wall

7 Ways to Start the Goal That Scares You

Do you have something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, but could never quite muster the motivation to start? Well, you’re definitely not alone. This past week, I had a handful conversations with dear friends who are each in a transitional state in