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Tag: perfectionism

a decorative header image of a mac laptop sitting in a dark room with a white screen, appearing empty. The title reads "how to recover from a big mistake"

How to Recover from a Big Mistake

A few weeks ago, I accidentally deleted my entire business website off the internet. All the pages, all 70 something blog posts… All of it was gone and seemed to be unrecoverable. When I tried to look up my own website from the frontend, this is what my screen looked

decorative header image of a woman in her pajamas looking at an alarm clock seeming unhappy. The title reads "why you struggle to rest in your off time"

Why You Might Be Struggling to Relax in Your off Time

Do you find it difficult to actually relax in your off time? In this post, I’m sharing what I’ve discovered often causes this feeling, and what we can do about it, so we can finally relax. Before figuring out why I couldn’t relax, my life looked a little like this…

decorative header image for a post titled "how perfectionism contributes to feelings of worthlessness" the image features water with a single droplet creating waves

How Perfectionism Contributes to Feelings of Worthlessness

When you hear people refer to themselves as perfectionists, they are usually suggesting that they care a lot about doing their best. They’re people who care about giving a valiant effort, and producing work that they can feel proud of.   When people self-identify as perfectionists, they usually perceive it as