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Tag: acceptance

unrealistic beauty standards, feeling enough, feeling not enough, why I feel like I'm not enough

Screw Unrealistic Beauty & “Enoughness” Standards

As a fan of health and fitness, I used to really enjoy watching YouTubers talk about different foods and exercises and how to improve health and fitness.  And like many young girls, I would click on videos that advertised exercises that would help me physically fit into cultural beauty/fitness standards

the unique shape of your life purpose and five characteristics to descibe how purpose shows up in our lives.

The Unique Shape of Your Life Purpose

When we ask ourselves the question, “what is my life purpose?,” it’s far too easy to get overwhelmed and overthink it. When I was in high school and college, I remember feeling a lot of pressure to find that one special, perfectly aligned thing. It felt like I was searching

what the universe wants you to do when your things and habits outlive their usefulness, it's time to thank things for their service in your life and be willing to let go so you can welcome something better into your life.

What the Universe Wants You to do with Your Slippers

Guest Post by Stephanie Polsky The other day I tossed away a pair of slippers I had bought last year at the start of Covid. By the time I finally put them out for trash day, the soles of both of them had already fallen to pieces. Despite their obvious

10 benefits of being wrong

10 Benefits of Being Wrong

Last week, I wrote about why there’s nothing wrong with being wrong. In the post, I said, “If we could somehow accept wrongness as a natural and integral part of our human experience, then perhaps we could be less hard on ourselves and allow our wrongness to benefit us rather

there's nothing wrong with being wrong

There’s Nothing Wrong With Being Wrong

The most recent time I realized I was wrong, I was playing UNO with my family. I was down to the coveted single card, and had succeeded in saying “UNO” before anyone called me out on it. When my next turn came, I was so certain a win was in

15 things you can give to spread love

15 Things You Can Give to Spread Love

All human beings share a basic and common desire: the desire to be loved. Luckily for us, there are plenty of things we can give over and over again to help fulfill this desire for others (without ever running out!).  Because we have the capacity to give in ways that